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SKJ Department

SKJ DEPARTMENT View Department Gallery In accordance with the law, FORMA offers young people between the ages of 18 and 24 the opportunity to participate in training, education and training programs (for a maximum of 24 months). The language of instruction in FORMA is Papiamentu. The following goals

Mission and Vision

THE MISSION FORMA strives to achieve the set goals by ensuring: The presence of the basic conditions; benefits, childcare and transportation, which make it possible to participate in education and/or training. Offering basic tailor-made training programs, so that participants master the skills that are needed to be able to participate

Target Us

THE TARGET GROUP FORMA offers education to adults who in one way or another have not had the opportunity to receive education and / or who have found themselves in living conditions that make it difficult to complete education. In addition, FORMA offers courses for adults who are already active in the labor

Mission and Vision_NL

DE MISSIE De gestelde doelen wil FORMA bereiken door het zorg dragen voor: Het aanwezig zijn van de basisvoorwaarden; uitkering, kinderopvang en transport, wat het mogelijk maakt om deel te kunnen nemen aan onderwijs of vorming. Het aanbieden van basis vormingstrajecten op maat, zodat deelnemers de vaardigheden onder de

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